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Education Flowers

Must visit Plant Nurseries in Melbourne

Australians and their backyards – it’s one of those enduring, everlasting love affairs.  Close to 90% of Australians have a private garden! We turn many of our lawns into seasonal cricket pitches, and patios become scenes of get-togethers spilling…

Education Flowers

48 Blue Flowers from Around the World

A survey conducted by YouGov offices around the world found that blue is the most popular colour in ten countries across four continents. While this cool and refreshing hue is well-loved in the world, it is not common for…

Education Flowers

Orchids from around the world

There’s something special about orchids – a beauty and presence that catches your eye.  Orchids are amongst the most popular flowers worldwide – at last count, there were well over over 29,000 orchid species, and over 32,000 named orchids.…

Education Flowers

The Australian Wattle Tree – A National Treasure

It’s the bold Golden Wattle (or Acacia Pycnantha) that perhaps represents the spirit of Australia, unlike any other plant. Its bright gold and green have become our national colours. We’ve written songs and poems about it. Its flowers are…


The Meanings Behind Every Colour of Rose

A versatile flower, and arguably the most iconic flower in the world. Understanding the meaning behind rose colour meanings is an essential step in expressing your feelings to another. From the romantic love imbued in red roses to the…